Conférence “Empowering Citizenswith Sustainable Transportationin the Cities of Today & Tomorrow”
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Conférence “Empowering Citizenswith Sustainable Transportationin the Cities of Today & Tomorrow”

Conférence “Empowering Citizenswith Sustainable Transportationin the Cities of Today & Tomorrow”


29 juin 2017 à 14h – campus de Belfort (I106)

Avec Pr. Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar
of Hasselt University, Belgium

Professor at the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) / responsible for the European ERA-NET Smart-PT & H2020 iSCAPE projects with a consortium of several international partners

In several international policy frameworks, conventional transport models have been used for the quantification of these externalities. When an operational model is required to provide quantitative predictions about human behaviour, some kind of mathematical apparatus is adopted in models. In this talk, we will cover the research domain of activity-based models. In these models, using micro-simulation, full activity-travel patterns of people are predicted in a high resolution of time and space, offering a wealth of information for policy making. I will give a brief overview of the state-of-the-art in activity-based modelling and discuss the interesting developments in this field of research. In addition to applications in the domain of transportation research, I will focus on scientific interdisciplinary applications with several other scientific fields. Also the talk will cover novel interesting trends in the research field such as the increasing availability of big data and the development of modern survey technology.

Contact : stephane.galland@utbm.f


90010 Belfort cedex
Tel: +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 00
Fax: +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 30
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