In the face of the urgent challenges posed by climate change, ecosystem degradation and the depletion of natural resources, it is imperative to make profound and rapid transitions by adopting innovative and sustainable solutions. These transitions are not just options, but essential if we are to guarantee a viable future for generations to come.
Technology must therefore play a key role, not as a miraculous solution, but as a strategic tool for making concrete progress towards sustainable development. The Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) is acutely aware of its eminent responsibility as an institution of higher education and research.
In a global context marked by unprecedented environmental, social and economic challenges, our role is crucial in training the skills of tomorrow, producing cutting-edge research and setting an institutional example.
L'UTBM integrates all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) into its policies and actions.
These 17 objectives established by the UN, aim to guarantee social minimumsprotect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.
Aware of itsits role of society, the University emphasizest on 8 FUNDAMENTAL which illustrate particularly humanist values and its scientific and technical technical expertise ;
- ODD n°4 : Met programs accessible to all innovative to train engineers capable of meeting today's challengess
- ODD n°5 : Garanize equal opportunities opportunities in curricula and activities
- ODD 7: Maintain of energy efficiency and research policies of decarbonation
- MDG 9: Supportthe development of sustainable technologies technologies and resilient infrastructure
- ODD 11: Work with local stakeholders to promote sustainable societal projects
- ODD 12: Efficiently manage resources on its campusess
- ODD 13: Adopt politics carbon footprint
- SDG 17: Strengthennternational, national and local cooperation for the ecological transition
UTBM integrates all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its policies and actions.
L'UTBM integrates all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) into its policies and actions.
These 17 objectives established by the UN, aim to guarantee social minimumsprotect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.
Aware of itsits role of society, the University emphasizest on 8 FUNDAMENTAL which illustrate particularly humanist values and its scientific and technical technical expertise ;
- ODD n°4 : Met programs accessible to all innovative to train engineers capable of meeting today's challengess
- ODD n°5 : Garanize equal opportunities opportunities in curricula and activities
- ODD 7: Maintain of energy efficiency and research policies of decarbonation
- MDG 9: Supportthe development of sustainable technologies technologies and resilient infrastructure
- ODD 11: Work with local stakeholders to promote sustainable societal projects
- ODD 12: Efficiently manage resources on its campusess
- ODD 13: Adopt politics carbon footprint
- SDG 17: Strengthennternational, national and local cooperation for the ecological transition
Adapting the educational program
A common training base for all our students:
Since the start of the 2023 academic year, all our Common Core students (1er cycle) acquire a common base of knowledge and skills on the challenges of ecological transition for sustainable development. Four themes are covered, in a systemic approach that is both technical and humanistic, essential for raising awareness of the nature of the issues at stake:
- climate change
- biodiversity and its preservation
- resources and their availability
- the question of a fair and equitable transition
From the start of the 2024 academic year, this common foundation will take the form of a dedicated UE, corresponding to 30 hours of classes and awarding 3 ECTS.
- Representation of TEDS in training programs :
- 15% of EUs address TEDS,
- Evaluative skills repositories integrate DDRS issues,
- All branches are tackling the subject.
Raising awareness on a daily basis
Systematic awareness-raising campaigns for students and staff
Several workshops on climate change and environmental energy impact were organized:
Various conferences discussing socio-environmental issues were organized. These included:
- "The hidden face of sustainable development; mining"10/22/20, Aurore Stephant
- Decarbonization round table: 29/11/2022
- Hydrogen and human sciences round table, 18/07/23
- Decarbonizing the building industry (round table), 28/11/23
- "What are the strategies for dealing with the systemic risks of the 21st century? ", 21/03/24, Arthur Keller, expert in "systemicsystemic risks"and resilience strategiesresilience strategies
- "Why companies should commit to biodiversity ( "04/04/24, Vincent Roullet in charge of the economy and innovation at the Agence Régionale de la Biodiversité BFC (BFC Regional Biodiversity Agency)
- September 26, 2024: "Taking our future in hand", students of the "Pour un Réveil Ecologique" collective
- October 10, 2024: "Sauver les rivières comtoises!", Manon Sylvant (SOS Loue et Rivières Comtoises)
- November 14: Climate change will affect your careers by The Shifters.
- Annual inter-UT training
What's more, the UT group (the consortium of UTBM, UTT and UTC) has undertaken to organize a "Sustainable Engineering" training course each year for its staff in residential mode: "Quelle(s) posture(s) technologique(s) au sein des UT pour construire une société soutenable" ("What technological posture(s) within UTs to build a sustainable society").
Seminars :
- July 2022: "low-tech" near Compiègne à link to video reports if still available?
- August 2023: "Planetary frontiers", in Luxeuil les Bains near Belfort à Link to video + add photos
- August 2024: "Biodiversity biodiversity", near Troyes Troyes
Content in progress
Environmental management
Since 2015 the establishment has formalized its environmental management system to reduce its environmental impacts, in particular to reduce its energy consumption. This commitment applies to all the University's sites, regardless of the activities carried out. It is symbolized by ISO14001 certification. It is important to emphasize that this approach is possible thanks to the mobilization of the entire university community, and more particularly with the network of prevention assistants who act as relays within FISE and FISA, laboratories and departments. Several campaigns have been carried out to raise awareness and encourage the community to change its practices with regard to these issues. As a result, paper consumption has fallen by 60% over the past ten years.
Building renovation
Content in progress
Biodiversity on campus
UTBM wants to manage its green spaces in a more sustainable way. Since 2022, part of the Sevenans site has been managed using eco-pasture. When properly carried out, this management practice is said to be ecological. The benefits are manifold:
- Ecological: maintaining local ecosystems, reducing carbon footprint and noise pollution by avoiding the use of thermal machines,
- Economical; reduced maintenance costs in the medium term,
- Social: reducing the arduousness of the landscape worker's job (particularly on surfaces that are difficult to maintain),
- Educational; raising awareness of ecological management methods.
All three UTBM sites are easily accessible by soft mobility.
- Bus
Belfort and Sevenans campuses: using the network Optymo
Montbéliard campus: using the network evolity
- Bike
Bicycle paths, most of which are separate from the road, also pass in front of the sites or just a few hundred metres away. There are bike shelters on all three campuses.
Examples of itineraries:
> Belfort campus from downtown Belfort :
> Sevenans campus from Belfort city center :
> Montbéliard campus from Montbéliard town center :
For the brave, this route joins the campuses of Belfort to Montbéliard via Sevenans:
- Carpooling
Of course, carpooling is encouraged at UTBM! On the Sevenans site, there are marked parking spaces reserved for cars with several people in them.
UTBM AE students have signed an advantageous partnership agreement with Karos (a home-work car-sharing application). The application facilitates carpooling for all members of the UTBM community, and is subsidized by local authorities. Please refer to the application for examples:
Un trajet <30km en covoiturage jusqu’à, ou au départ de, un des sites de l’UTBM est gratuit pour un/les passager(s).
The driver, on the same route, is paid €2 per passenger.
Because social cohesion is an essential aspect of future transitions, UTBM has long pursued an ambitious social policy focused on quality of life at work, inclusion and equal opportunities.
Attesting to this conviction, UTBM has been ISO 45001 certified since 2019. This ISO standard covers "occupational health and safety management systems", enabling both operational and strategic management, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement, notably through monitoring using pre-established indicators. Within this framework, a system has been set up for reporting occupational health and safety risks, whether physical or psychosocial. A hotline has also been set up to monitor and guide victims of sexual and gender-based violence.
In addition, since 2022 and for a period of 4 years, UTBM has signed a Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC) agreement. The aim of this approach is to improve the well-being of employees in the workplace, while reconciling this with the establishment's overall performance. In addition, the school has set up task forces to deal with key human issues such as gender equality, racism and anti-Semitism, and disability. More recently, UTBM drew up its master plan and disability charter.
In 2024, a new professional equality plan for students and staff has been agreed for a period of 3 years. The "equal opportunities" dimension has been strongly reinforced, with a section of the plan specifically dedicated to it. The aim is to prevent inequalities between individuals during their professional or academic careers.
The Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) stands out for its commitment to offering a rich and fulfilling student life. Engineering training is demanding and rigorous, and requires an optimal balance between studies and extracurricular activities. With this in mind, UTBM has formalized and adopted its student life master plan for the year 2024. It aims to create a varied and stimulating environment, conducive both to academic success and to students' personal and professional development.
A number of projects related to DDRS issues are funded each year by the school's Contribution à la Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC).
These include
> (optimized for students)