International relations
 /  International relations

A different take on the world

UTBM is committed to developing strong and sustainable relations with its more than 250 partner universities all around the world. Sharing knowledge and promoting higher education within an international perspective is one of UTBM’s priorities.

Therefore, UTBM takes part in various European and non-European exchange and research programs to facilitate student and faculty mobility, to give international students and teaching staff the opportunity to visit our university, and to contribute to the development of higher education.

Our partner universities over the world

  • Africa & Middle East: 69 universities
  • Asia & Oceania: 42 universities
  • Europe: 101 universities
  • North America: 18 universities
  • South America: 22 universities

International Strategy and Innovation at UTBM

The University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) adopts a holistic and sustainable view of technology, focusing on ethical, responsible, and inclusive approaches to technological development. This is formalized in the Technology Manifesto, which aligns with the values of democracy, inclusion, sustainability, and environmental responsibility. The three strategic pillars of the University’s International Relations and Internationalization Department (DRII) stem from this Technology Manifesto:
  • Promoting internationalization by supporting mobility and enhancing the value of international students and faculty.
  • Optimizing processes through certifications and digital transformation, while strengthening academic partnerships.
  • Encouraging pedagogical innovation and innovation through pedagogy via interdisciplinary and multicultural partnerships to address global challenges such as the energy transition, sustainable mobility, and digitalization.


Technology Manifesto

Erasmus+ is a European mobility program seeking to encourage cooperation in higher education. Thanks to this program, thousands of students can discover other cultures and benefit from a richer and more diverse choice of courses.

Before leaving to study abroad, students must have earned a certain number of ECTS credits depending on the level they would like to join.

BCI or the Conference of Rectors and Principals of Québec Universities offers a partnership program with several different European universities in order to strengthen ties between the French-speaking communities on both sides of the Atlantic.

As part of this program, UTBM collaborates with the following universities:

Before leaving to study abroad, students must have earned a certain number of ECTS credits depending on the level they would like to join.

To further and strengthen its Canadian relations, UTBM focuses on establishing bilateral agreements with some of the universities involved in BCI.

FITEC is a series of international exchange partnerships between French engineering schools and South American universities. Currently, UTBM collaborates with UTC and UTT on two different programs: Arfitec, for exchanges with Argentina, and Brafitec for exchanges with Brazil.

These programs finance student, faculty and researcher mobility through a system of scholarships.

UTBM has, for many years, developed partnerships around the world to offer various opportunities to its students. Based on UTBM’s network of international partnerships, students can study abroad for a semester or intern at a partner laboratory. The possibilities are endless. Some partnerships transcend the simple exchange programs and lead to dual engineering degrees or PhDs.


90010 Belfort cedex
Tel : +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 00
Fax : +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 30
Etablissement public membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE), l’UTBM est habilitée par la Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) à délivrer le titre d’ingénieur français et le label européen de qualité EUR-ACE pour la reconnaissance de ses 9 spécialités de diplôme d’ingénieur.

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