/ Humanities

The Humanities cluster occupies a special position thanks to its cross-disciplinary approach to engineering training. It also stands out for its technological research in the humanities and social sciences, carried out within the cross-disciplinary FEMTO-ST/RECITS axis.

Throughout the curriculum, the humanities contribute to training engineers with humanist values, open to the world, attentive to people and the environment, capable of giving meaning to technology while maintaining a high level of professionalism and being perfectly at ease in the business world. UTBM graduates are engineers who are philosophers and technologists, combining engineering and humanities knowledge of technology.

The Humanities cluster offers a significant opening onto the humanities and social sciences, accounting for 25% of the courses taught over the five years of engineering training.

On the strength of a collectively-developed strategy, the Humanities cluster aims to meet a number of challenges through its teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge.

  • Priority 1: Strengthen multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity between SHS-SHS / SHS-SPI
  • Priority 2: Strengthen ties with socio-economic and institutional circles
  • Priority 3: Committing to sustainable development and ecological and social transition
  • Priority 4: Consolidate technological research in SHS
  • Priority 5: Strengthen international partnerships
  • Issue 6: Strengthen the quality of life at work and the cluster culture

Humanities roadmap (2017-2022)

Conferences and cultural events

Keen to pass on knowledge and open its doors to the entire community and civil society, the Humanities department organizes lecture cycles and/or cultural events as part of the "Jeudis des Humanités" program.

  • History, Sport and Citizenship. A brief history of the Olympic Games (1896 - 2024) and regional sporting events
    By Stéphane KRONENBERGER, Historian
    June 9th 2022
  • Do techniques serve human development or threaten it? Around the play Prométhée.
    October 2020

  • The hidden face of sustainable development: mining
    By Aurore Stephant, mining geologist and engineer.
    October 22, 2020
00 COUV ACID3 2022
Acid 2 Utbm
Acid2 Utbm

The Humanities department provides engineering students with pedagogical skills in communication (written and oral expression), methodological tools, a solid general culture in fields as varied as sociology, history, management, philosophy, heritage, art, law, languages and economics, as well as practical and sports education.

From a pedagogical point of view, the Humanities cluster groups together two main categories of teaching:
Educational projects

Artistic practice and creation

Introduction to the history of technology Retro-design of antique technical objects

Reconversion of industrial heritage (UE HT07) - assembly of several Sketchup CAD projects

Physical education and sports

For better self-knowledge

The Humanities cluster's research is carried out within RECITS (Recherches et Etudes sur le Changement Industriel, Technologique et Sociétal), the transverse, multidisciplinary humanities and social sciences arm of the FEMTO-ST institute, of which UTBM is a supervisor along with other higher education and research establishments (UFC, ENSMM) and the CNRS.

The FEMTO-ST institute is a 750-member UMR (research unit) that mainly develops fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of engineering, with the specificity of offering interdisciplinarity between engineering sciences and techniques and human and social sciences on technology.

RECITS' research activities focus on the analysis of technological, organizational, societal and territorial change. Rooted in their disciplinary communities (history, epistemology and history of science and technology, economics, sociology, philosophy, territorial sciences), RECITS researchers are involved in the development of original technological research based on a double interdisciplinarity: within the human and social sciences themselves, and between engineering science and technology and the human and social sciences.

This type of technological research is also nurtured by the involvement of RECITS researchers in the GIS-UTSH, which promotes teaching and research in the humanities and social sciences in technical environments.

Finally, at local level, RECITS maintains strong institutional and scientific links with higher education and research establishments such as the CRESAT (UHA) or the member establishments and research institutes of the Franco-Swiss Knowledge Community network, as well as the MSHE Ledoux (Besançon) and the USR FCLab (Belfort).

SHS research in video

For an anthropometric history

Nastasya Winckel, doctoral student in territorial economics at FEMTO-ST/RECITS

ArcLab pilot project


90010 Belfort cedex
Tel: +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 00
Fax: +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 30
As a public institution and member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE), UTBM is accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI) to deliver the French engineering title and the European EUR-ACE quality label for its 9 engineering degree specialties.

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