and Innovation (DREDI)
Several structuring agreements with research organizations complete the picture, notably a corresponding CEA research laboratory (LRC2635) in the field of high-performance surface engineering and a joint laboratory of Groupe UT and Shanghai University, ComplexCity, whose aim is to propose technological, organizational and social innovations to improve life in urban environments.
Last but not least, research at UTBM stands out for its partnerships with major companies such as ALSTOM, GE, Peugeot, EADS, Safran...
114 teacher-researchers and 110 PhD students are the driving force behind our research, which had a 2016 budget of €16m, including €5m in contractual activities in direct industrial partnership.
WebsiteCombininghuman and social sciences, life sciences and engineering sciences, the ERCOS / ELLIADD team (E.A. n°4661) conducts research into innovative product design, with a particular focus on the product's value for people.
WebsiteTheFC Lab research federation brings together all the Franche Comté laboratories working on fuel cell systems.
The FEMTO-ST Institute (Franche-Comté Electronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique - Sciences et Technologies, UMR 6174) is a joint research unit created on January 1, 2004 from the merger of five Franche-Comté laboratories, forming its initial departments.
It is under the quadruple supervision of theUniversité de Franche-Comté (UFC), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), theÉcole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques (ENSMM) and theUniversité de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM).
The DISC team' s scientific activity focuses on modeling, analysis and optimization for the design, operation and improvement of complex systems, mainly organized in networks.
The objective of the MINAMAS team is to develop and provide knowledge on certain types of thin films and nanomaterials, for micro and nanosystems and for energy production or transduction.
The UTBM team deploys and uses the Montbéliard PVD platform, backed by the CEA-UTBM LIS-HP LRC, and develops activities in the field of physical vapor deposition around two main application areas: ionic, mixed or electronic conductive coatings, and coatings for extreme environments.
The RECITS laboratory 's research activities focus on technical environments and representations, change, innovation and territory, and the societal challenges of technological projects.
The SHARPAC team is developing its scientific activity in the application fields of electric vehicles and renewable energies. It is also involved in the CNRS FCLAB research federation, dedicated to hydrogen energy and fuel cell systems.
The THERMIE laboratory, which brings together specialists in energy engineering, electrical engineering, optics and flow metrology, is involved in the design, dimensioning and development of innovative industrial systems in the energy field.
The ICB laboratory is made up of around 300 researchers developing new functionalities for optics and new materials, for applications in industry, medicine and telecommunications.
UTBM's teams focus on the development of structural materials (additive manufacturing) and thermal spray coatings to improve their properties and achieve new performance levels, as well as on mechanical design and optimization.
CIAD websiteTheCIAD laboratory is a research laboratory under the auspices of UBFC, the University of Burgundy and UTBM. CIAD works in the fields of artificial intelligence, and more specifically distributed artificial intelligence, artificial learning, knowledge representation, environmental perception and bio-inspired optimization. CIAD's main themes are
IRAMAT (UMR 7065) is an interdisciplinary institute, bringing together the complementary skills of three laboratories based in Belfort (Laboratoire Métallurgies et Cultures), Orléans (Centre Ernest-Babelon) and Paris-Saclay (Laboratoire Archéomatériaux et Prévision de l'Altération). IRAMAT is under the auspices of CNRS, the University of Orléans, the University of Paris-Saclay, UTBM and the Ministry of Culture, and is supported by INRAP and CEA. It mobilizes the expertise of archaeologists, historians, physicists, mechanicists and chemists, developing characterization and dating techniques applied to ancient materials and heritage objects in response to archaeological and historical issues.
Research is structured along the following four lines:
Website The Nanomedicine, Imaging, Therapeutics (NIT) laboratory is a multi-disciplinary research laboratory under the auspices of the Université de Franche-Comté and UTBM, made up of physicists, chemists, computer scientists, automaticians, physicians and pharmacists who have joined forces to develop new diagnostic methods and therapeutics using nanotechnologies, and new organization for healthcare systems.
The "Organisation des Systèmes de Santé" (O2S) team of the NIT laboratory is organized around two axes: