Partner universities
 /  Partner universities

A different take on the world

To promote cooperation in education and research between students, faculty and university directors, we boast over 250 partnerships on all continents. This strong global network makes UTBM feel at home all over the world.

Student exchanges for semesters of study or internships in university laboratories are the main focus of these partnerships. However, closer ties are maintained with certain universities, whether for teaching (e.g. combined degrees) or for research (joint supervision of theses, etc.). These partnerships are the product of either bilateral cooperation agreements or mutual participation in student exchange groups.

Our partner universities over the world

  • Africa & Middle East: 69 universities
  • Asia & Oceania: 42 universities
  • Europe: 101 universities
  • North America: 18 universities
  • South America: 22 universities


90010 Belfort cedex
Tel : +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 00
Fax : +33 (0) 3 84 58 30 30
Etablissement public membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE), l’UTBM est habilitée par la Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) à délivrer le titre d’ingénieur français et le label européen de qualité EUR-ACE pour la reconnaissance de ses 9 spécialités de diplôme d’ingénieur.

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